The Doctor Will See You Now

As promised here are some recipes. For colds and flus and some extra info I’ve picked up in the last 12 years. My mini Goddess is sick 😦 she’s been fighting since the holidays, half the family got it. Her step mother, one of my best friends, owns an herbal store. Kaiya is stocked on whole foods vitamins, probiotics, and all the other goodies we get from Incredible Edibles. I started packing her lunch this year after I went to our county school website looking for nutrition info on school lunches and found nothing. They send a menu home every month, but no nutrition info. High fructose corn syrup slows brain function, so anything they learn after lunch they’re not fully understanding. The next time you go eat with your kid, read some labels. I did. She left her lunch box in the car one morning so I decided to take it to her and sit with her(I won’t eat that crap either)when I got there she had a hamburger and I made her put it down. We eat burgers, that we make ourselves. Usually turkey burgers, we rarely eat red meat. We will throw down like Ron Swanson on steak night, but that’s about it. Enough about that, except that she has been REALLY healthy this year. So I haven’t had to go into full on Dr.Mom mode, until today. I will be putting her through my holistic regimen. The doctors always comment how they never see her, yeah because we only come here when there’s a fever, I got this. I cured her sniffles last week but a weekend away and she’s worse than when she left. I’ve had her soaking in my Cold Cure Bath Salt, I use Epsom Salt, it is wonderful for everything. It will draw the sickness out, I should own stock in Epsom Salt. I throw in some herbs and essential oils to open her sinuses. So far that’s worked. She has tubes in her ears though and she woke me up last night saying one of them hurt. I keep the antibiotic drops for her ears, and she hasn’t complained again. She came home today coughing, so now its time to get serious and kick this cold’s ass once and for all. At the moment she’s in her room propped up in the bed, doing homework next to the humidifier that’s blowing straight in her face. I always add salt, we go through a humidifier a year, but salt will flush the nasal passages. Chicken noodle soup for supper and some of these awesome recipes I found on Pinterest that I’d like to share. Please try these before rushing to the doctor and using harsh drugs. It is so much easier on them, and most cold meds are full of fillers, colors, preservatives, junk. So here they are…..


I love this! Ten in one post!! Honey is wonderful, I take it every day. I have terrible spring seasonal allergies and they are non existent now. Cross my heart, with a star 😉 I’ve heard some not so great things about neti pots though, so I would research that before I tried it. My bath salt blend can be boiled in water on the stove, hold a towel over the back of your head and breathe the steam.

Image      Made this for my mom, a small pot of boiling water, honey, lemon, ginger, and cinnamon. Amazing. I’m about to brew some more! You need to let it steep for for 24 hours, but the pinner said she felt a little better immediately.

Image        What can I add to THAT? Yes, local honey is a super food so are cinnamon and coconut oil. Coconut oil deserves its own article. Local honey from your zip code is best, or as close to where you live as you can get it. The cute bear honey is gonna do very little for you.

The only other thing I have to add is to be a hand washing Nazi. Seriously, kids are gross. They need to wash their hands all the time. If it does turn into infection and your kid gets put on antibiotics, give them probiotics. Antibiotics kill all bacteria, our bodies need the good bacteria. Probiotics puts them back.

I won’t lie, I have medicine. Mucinex, so if all else fails, I will use it just to get the crap out. Nose blowing is also huge, do not let them just suck it up. Get it out! Same for coughing, if they cough it up, make them spit it out! That is the main goal, get it out. I hope somebody out there in the blogoshpere can use this! I’m going to cook up healing in the kitchen.

I’ll post pics and updates! If any readers try this I would love to know if it helped!

Until my next ramblng


Boom! At press time my little Goddess is off to school breathing through her nose with an unproductive cough!!! Score for the home team, F you big pharma!

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